7 Centre: Own your Sustainability Story

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Navigating the Boardroom: Empowering Global Diversity and Sustainability

Completing the Directors Education Program (DEP) at the Institute of Corporate Directors (ICD) and the University of Toronto - Rotman School of Management has sparked an unwavering commitment within me to drive meaningful change in the global corporate landscape.

Beyond personal growth, my mission is to champion diversity in boardrooms worldwide and to fearlessly confront the challenges that lie ahead.

Equipped with the knowledge and tools acquired from the program, I am ready to navigate the complexities of the boardroom. A core objective of mine is to dismantle tokenism, an all-too-common barrier that women encounter when appointed solely to fulfill quotas rather than being recognized for their merit and contributions.

The value we bring to corporations is supported by many factors, including the intricate interplay between effective ESG disclosures, sustainable engagement, and board diversity. I have personally witnessed how these elements are profoundly interconnected, mutually shaping and influencing one another.

Effective disclosures are founded on principles of relevance, completeness, and consistency, and form the bedrock of corporate transparency. However, the absence of diversity jeopardizes the efficacy of these principles. Homogenous boards often overlook critical issues and fail to provide comprehensive information.

Likewise, sustainable engagement thrives when it is fuelled by shared influence, trust, and commitment – attributes that are amplified through diversity.

Without a doubt, a board that embraces diversity can more authentically comprehend and reflect the values of its multifaceted stakeholders, creating an environment of trust and commitment.

Currently, achieving board diversity presents women with unique obstacles, shaped by diverse cultural norms, biases, and inequitable opportunities prevailing across regions. While certain countries have successfully implemented measures to promote diversity, others continue to grapple with change.

Navigating these international challenges demands resilience, determination, and an unequivocal commitment to champion diversity on a global scale.

This journey is one that many in our society have committed to with the aspiration of contributing to an inclusive and equitable corporate world. And as we shatter barriers and forge ahead, we do so knowing that diversity encompasses far more than mere representation – it harnesses the power of divergent perspectives to drive innovation, fortify resilience, and pave the way for resounding success.

Together, we will navigate the boardroom, empower global diversity, and shape a sustainable future that benefits all.

Congratulations to all fellow members of cohort DEP 103! This is a tremendous accomplishment. Also, I am so thankful for the professional experiences and passion of our instructors and contributors.