7 Centre: Own your Sustainability Story

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I began my career as a daily reporter, focusing on health and environmental issues within my community. Often, I'd find myself covering controversial stories, quoting leaders whose statements sometimes sparked backlash. They would contact the newspaper, demanding retractions. In those moments, I had to prove the accuracy of their quotes, and thankfully, my trusty notebook held their words, written in permanent ink on its pages. What a relief!

Because of this, we were required to store our notebooks for a minimum of seven years as potential evidence in legal cases.


When we were developing the Sustainability Ledger at 7 Centre, that experience was fresh in my mind. I knew that companies would need proof of meetings, outcomes, performance metrics, methodologies, the people involved, the evolution of commitments, and the associated activities. They would also need to link to a Sustainability Ledger platform, providing both written proof and digital convenience with AI assistance.

We believed that creating a physical ledger in today’s digital world was both brave and forward-thinking. It's also proving to be wise.

Today, the Australian Senate passed a new mandatory climate disclosure law, which aligns with IFRS’s International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) standards, including requirements for disclosures on climate-related risks and opportunities, and greenhouse gas emissions across the value chain. https://lnkd.in/g7JX7ZTG

The law amends the country’s Corporations Act 2001, including the obligation to “keep written sustainability records that explain and report the preparation of the suitability report, and these records must be retained for seven years.”

These same international standards are being adopted in more than 20 jurisdictions, including 🇨🇦 Canada. https://lnkd.in/gGVBCr_h.

That's why we created the Sustainability Ledger. Drawing from my days as a reporter, we knew the ledger had to be made of sturdy and sustainable material, professional—something you’d be proud to have on your desk, bring to meetings, and the perfect size to carry in your business tote.


It also needed to be easily accessible on a shelf, ready to be handed over to your successor when the time came. What I didn’t have back then, but is now integrated into our sustainability ledger, is the ability to scan each QR-enabled page, upload it to the cloud for backup, share it with your auditor when necessary, and convert it to digital text with OCR technology when it comes time to submit a full report. It also has a free companion app and links to the Sustainability Ledger platform, giving you both written proof and digital convenience.

The Sustainability Ledger is now available on Amazon & at www.7Centre.com.
Buy one today!

#Australia hashtag#ISSB #Assurance #SustainabilityLedger #OpenToTheWorld