7 Centre: Own your Sustainability Story

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Chapter 18: The Growing Importance of ESG in Emerging Markets

Emerging markets, characterized by rapid industrialization and exponential economic growth, are increasingly coming under the ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) spotlight. As these markets ascend to greater prominence on the global stage, the integration of ESG principles becomes not just a strategic choice, but a pressing necessity. This chapter delves into the burgeoning significance of ESG in emerging markets and the challenges and opportunities it presents.

1. ESG: An Essential Differentiator in Global Investment:
For many global investors, ESG factors are now primary criteria when selecting investment destinations1. Emerging markets, seeking to attract foreign direct investment, find it beneficial to align with these criteria, showcasing their commitment to sustainability and responsible governance.

2. Local Challenges in ESG Implementation:
Emerging markets often grapple with unique socio-economic and environmental challenges. Whether it's addressing labor rights in Southeast Asia or environmental degradation in Sub-Saharan Africa, the ESG landscape is diverse and requires a localized approach2.

3. Technology as a Catalyst:
In many emerging economies, technology is bridging gaps in ESG reporting and implementation. Innovations such as AI-driven data analytics and blockchain are fostering transparency and enhancing ESG credibility3.

4. ESG and Financial Performance:
Contrary to traditional beliefs, there's a growing body of evidence suggesting that ESG adherence in emerging markets often correlates with superior financial performance and reduced investment risk4.

5. Regulatory Push and Policy Frameworks:
Governments in emerging markets are increasingly cognizant of the benefits of ESG. As a result, there's been a notable uptick in ESG-centric regulations and policy frameworks aimed at promoting sustainable practices and responsible governance5.

6. Engaging with the Global ESG Ecosystem:
Participation in global ESG platforms and partnerships allows emerging markets to tap into a vast reservoir of knowledge, resources, and best practices, driving their sustainability agendas forward6.

There are tangible benefits to robust ESG integration in emerging markets:

  • Enhanced Global Reputation: Commitment to ESG can substantially boost an emerging market's reputation, making it more appealing to global investors and partners.

  • Risk Mitigation: Addressing ESG concerns proactively can mitigate potential operational, regulatory, and reputational risks.

  • Long-term Growth Prospects: Firms in emerging markets that prioritize ESG often experience better long-term growth and resilience, given their focus on sustainability and stakeholder value creation.

To sum up, ESG's growing prominence in emerging markets is a testament to its universal appeal and relevance. While the journey is fraught with challenges, the potential rewards – both for individual firms and the market at large – make it an endeavor worth pursuing.


ESG, a new paradigm for emerging markets investing

The Challenges and Opportunities of ESG in Emerging Markets

How technology can drive the next wave of mass market ESG investing

ESG and financial performance: aggregated evidence from more than 2000 empirical studies

Regulation as a Driver of ESG Integration in Emerging Markets

United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment ↩